Utah Passes Porn Filter Bill That’s Not-Quite-Fully-Fleshed-Out


Utah governor Spencer Cox has signed the infamous porn filter bill. If enacted, smartphones and tablets purchased in Utah will automatically block a potentially sweeping range of content based on fluctuating value judgments. There’s plenty of time, for now, in the sense that it’s the legislative equivalent of an active volcano.

Under HB 72, a porn filter would be automatically installed on all phones and tablets sold in Utah after January 1st, 2022. Phone manufacturers would have to provide users a passcode in order to unblock an app or site, presumably as an effective adults-only password. The law states that a manufacturer “reasonably precludes a user other than a user with a passcode the opportunity to deactivate, modify, or uninstall the filter.” Manufacturers would be charged $10 for every violation.

At the moment, it’s less of an immediate plan of action than a challenge for other states to join Utah. It only goes into effect if five other states pass and enact similar laws and expires if they don’t by 2031. “We really want to empower parents,” Cox has said, according to the AP. “If nothing else it sends an important message.”

SOURCE: https://gizmodo.com/utah-passes-porn-filter-bill-thats-not-quite-fully-fles-1846547739

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