UK streaming service censors a line in 2002’s Spider-Man
Searching for “Meghan Markle“ on YouTube now only brings up results from news outlets and verified accounts. Content critical of Meghan Markle has been deranked from both search results and recommendations on the sidebar. […]
Even after pressing the mute button on video conferencing apps, Big Tech can still collect audio data, according to an unpublished study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A press release announcing the study claims […]
(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A whistleblower who has worked at Microsoft for two decades is claiming that the big tech behemoth has been bribing clients for years in order to boost profits.Specifically, according to Great […]
Rumble will continue to allow content from Russia‘s state-run news outlet RT, to continue upholding its mission “to protect a free and open internet.“ Its Big Tech rival YouTube suspended RT‘s channel in early […]
The TikTok account of “LGBTQ+” rights group Human Rights Campaign was suspended for two days for commenting “Gay” under another user’s video showing support. The group successfully appealed the suspension. Human Rights Campaign (HRC) […]
Twitter this week suspended the official account of Pennsylvania House Republicans for alleged violation of its rules. The account has in the meanwhile been reinstated. According to a spokesman for the Pennsylvania House Republicans, […]
Meta‘s automated content moderation systems blocked hashtags about a massacre in Bucha, Ukraine, on both Instagram and Facebook, the company announced. The company said it was a mistake. On both platforms, the hashtags #buchamassacre […]
Nigerians whose SIM cards are not linked to their National Identity Number (NIN), a mandatory digital ID system, won‘t be able to make phone calls, starting this week. The partial block is a tone […]